Monday, July 6, 2015



When the Buddha visited Alawaka, the Yakka warrior commander, at his abode, the Buddha had to encounter many threats, challenges. When Alawaka failed to achieve his goals through his futile threats and challenges, he asked thirteen questions from the Buddha. One of the questions was, “ asma loka param lokam, katham pecca na yowati…” which means “ what should a noble person do in order to be free from sorrow afterlife ”?.  The Buddha’s answer to this question reflects a practical, effective approach to be free from sorrow even in the present life.

In order to ensure a sorrow-free afterlife, one needs to adapt one’s present life in such a way that sorrow would no longer bother one’s existence. This is one of the most important aspects in Buddhist philosophy. The Buddha’s emphasis was mostly on dealing with the sorrowful situations associated with the present life of individuals. One who leads a peaceful, happy life in this life based on the Buddhist teachings would be privileged to have a similar wholesome afterlife. Afterlife would also be fortified by the wholesome, sorrow-free practices one is accustomed to perform in this life.

Buddhism has listed a fourfold course action to eliminate sorrow. Those are saccam (truth), dhammam (righteousness), dhiti (courage), and cago (letting go). If this is the course of action to be pursued to eliminate sorrow, the opposite course of action should be liable to bring about sorrow; i.e. untruth, unrighteousness, non -perseverance and non-letting go.   

We are compelled to lead lives filled with sorrow most of the time. We need to reflect on the causes of sorrow in terms of this fourfold course of action. We need to investigate how far these fourfold factors come into play when we encounter instances which cause us sorrow. After investigation, we need to experience the whole process by ourselves (paccattam vedi tabbo). This should be a direct, personal experience of one’s mental phenomena. This state cannot be experienced by any individual through studying manuals or memorising teachings contained in manuals. Let’s take an example to illustrate this point.    

Let’s assume that someone has a very close friend who has totally won your heart. He is a very honest, trustworthy individual. One day, this close friend grabs a valuable item in your possession and leave you for good. This incident would definitely cause a great deal of sorrow in you.  These types of incidents are commonplace in the society. When we closely observe this incident, we should be able to discern how the above mentioned fourfold factors led to cause sorrow in this individual.

This particular individual placed high level of trust in his close friend. However, this friend is an ordinary individual similar to other individuals in the society who possess wholesome, unwholesome qualities; who are subject to wrongdoing. In these circumstances, trusting an individual to be very honest and free from wrongdoing is analogues to leading a life associated with “untruth” or falsehood”. Therefore, this individual did not have the factor of saccam (truth) with regard his relationship with his friend, instead he associated with the opposite factor of “untruth”.   

The second factor that was responsible for causing sorrow in this case was the absence of dhamma. When the close friend left him, his mind was engulfed with sorrow. His mind bore sorrowful dhamma at the loss of his valuables and the friend. His mind was mostly preoccupied with this loss. However, this individual was unable to perceive this sorrowful state in his mind. Had he shifted his attention away from the thoughts of loss to his mind, he could have have avoided the experience of sorrow at that very moment. Non- awareness of this tact led him to experience sorrow constantly.  

Thirdly, the factor that aggravated his sorrow was the absence of courage (dhiti). He was unable to bear the mental pain and the loss of valuables which intensified his sorrow further. When a person possesses the quality of courage, he is not bothered by any kind of loss. He would be able to exercise restraint over his mind in the presence of any loss.

The fourth factor which contributed to the sorrowful mental state was the inability to “let go” (cago). In this case, he was unable to let go of the mental pain resulting from the loss of valuables and his friend, the loss of honour and feelings of conceit (mana) due to this incident. If a person is prepared to let go of any gain, honour and conceit when dealing with the external world, sorrow would not be aggravated in the presence of negative outcome of any dealing. Inability to “let go” (caga) would aggravate the degree of sorrow and it would lead to hatred and dangerous situations. 

This story illustrates how the lack of factors such as saccam (truth), dhammam (righteousness),  dhiti (courage), and cago  (letting go) in respect of one incident in life would create sorrow, intensify sorrow and ultimately lead to hatred and dangerous situations. How many similar situations we encounter in our daily life? We can witness numerous similar incidents in our daily life and how these incidents cause us sorrow at all times. Some go the extent of consuming alcohol, committing suicide by various means when they cannot bear the mental pain any longer and when they cannot let go of these pains, resulting from sorrowful day to day affairs. Therefore, we need to constantly contemplate the presence of these four factors in our mind in order to prevent sorrow from arising.   

Now we need to find out the Buddha’s answer to sorrow-free life in a sorrow-ridden world. The Buddha’s admonition was “ saccam, dhammo dhiti cago sa ve pecca na socati”. One who lives by the principles of truth, dhamma, courage and letting go would not grieve at all. We should attempt to lead a life associated with these four principles and experience a sorrow-free, peaceful existence.

We need to familiarize ourselves to find out the “truth” (sacca) associated with trivial matters in our day to day life. This practice would enable an individual to ascertain the “truth” in significant matters as well.

The act of ascertaining the truth is categorized into two parts, i.e; mundane truth and supramundane truth. Ascertaining the truth in matters superficially is known as mundane truth. This would lead to the supramundane ultimately. The ultimate meaning of samma dhitti (right view) is ascertaining the supramundane truth.

What involves in the category of supramundane truth? It is the understanding that everything existing in the world is subject to anicca (impermenance), dukkha (subject to constant change) and anatta (absence of a self). The common meaning given to the term dukkha is suffering or unsatisfactoriness. The ultimate, functional meaning of dukkha is that everything is subject to a process of constant transformation followed by decay. When we the life cycle of a leaf, we can understand how the law of dukkha influences the different stages of a leaf. A leaf begins to grow as a bud. A bud gradually becomes a leaf. After some time, the leaf changes its colour due to lack of nutrients. Then the leaf becomes brittle and begins to dry. Eventually, the dried leaf falls off the tree. This is the nature of dukkha – self transforming to a different state by changing the original state – evident in every animate and inanimate thing in the world.

One who comprehends the supramundane truth in everything based on anicca, dukkha and anatta could definitely attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana. His mind would no longer be in a state of burning. His mind is totally relieved of burning and heat.

We, now, realize the importance of leading a life based on the principles of sacca, dhamma, dhiti and caga in order to achieve mental peace at all times.

Alawaka, who had all his questions answered to the entire satisfaction, attained the fruit of sotapanna (stream entry).

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