Sunday, June 7, 2015

Is Happiness an unattainable Mirage?

Is Happiness an unattainable Mirage?
We always aspire to find happiness immensely. At the same time, we lack happiness that we aspire to achieve. Poor people suffer from the desire to be rich. They are under the impression that they could lead happy lives constantly once they become rich one day.
Wealthy people are left with no more options to find further happiness and they are frustrated with their rich lifestyles due to this. Their wealth has taken their happiness away from them. Most instances, wealthy people experience more suffering than the poor.
When we observe these phenomena in depth, we could come to a conclusion that happiness is not a state that could be derived or eliminated depending on possessing or not possessing external objects. Happiness of an individual has nothing to do with the possession of external objects or loss of those external objects. If this not true, we may have to determine that a wealthy person would be rich for ever and a poor person would remain poor forever.
Almost everyone may have come across wealthy people who experienced suffering despite their wealth. At the same time, you may have come across happy average people who live with basic amenities. People, who keep on gathering wealth as a source of happiness, would lead lives filled with misery most of the time. The very attempt to gather wealth has undermined their happiness. If this is so, what is happiness?  How to gain it? Is it an unattainable mirage?. Are we destined to be unhappy?
Most believe that the way for happiness is to fulfill all of their desires. This belief is based on pure non-awareness of reality and self-centeredness.  This belief is the primary cause for all type of suffering, troubles prevalent in the world. Desire, in this context, encompasses rough desires to milder forms of desire which undermine happiness of those from all walks of life.   
Egoism or self-centeredness is the major cause underlying all troubles and pains in the world, according to the common belief of many. Even on an individual basis, it is the self-centeredness that leads to all type of suffering. When you realise this, you are at the doorstep of mental peace, tranquility. If you continue to believe that suffering is caused by self-centered attitudes of others in the society, you are bound to suffer in the hell of your own creation.
Happiness is a peaceful, tranquil state arising in the mind.  With the total abandonment of all desires, this state would emerge in the mind. Prospective happiness that may be expected by way of fulfilling desires could be compared to a mirage. Once a desire is satisfied, other desires would follow in succession. This is similar to endless waves in the sea. Therefore, the only path for lasting peace of mind is to abandon desires altogether.
 When you act on a self-centered attitude, you would realise the degree of mental pain involved in self-centeredness. Once you can abandon your self-centered attitudes, you would realise mental peace associated with that mentality. Self -centeredness is always associated with blindness, injustice, suffering and it prevents one from realising the truth. As long as one seeks happiness based on self-centeredness, happiness would leave one behind undoubtedly.
If, on the contrary, one can act from a point of view of altruism, seeking the welfare of others at all times, mind would be filled with lasting mental peace, tranquility. If you are preoccupied with a self-centered thought, it would be a beginning of a flow of suffering. If you are preoccupied with an altruistic thought, happiness would follow you.
The day you decide to “let go”, you begin to have access to experience happiness. If, however, you “let go” or “give” in anticipation of more and more rewards, gains, it would be the highest form of delusion on your part. That would be the primary cause of suffering as well. Therefore, do not grasp what is transient, subject to change and decay. Always have an altruistic attitude towards others. This would invariably result in a lasting, unbreakable happiness. 
One who could dedicate his life for the welfare of others on an altruistic footing is imbued with a heart filled with indestructible happiness. It is a heart inclined towards the Noble Path. If you could recollect an occasion where you rendered assistance a needy person, you would still remember the mental satisfaction you enjoyed at that time.
Your first step in the altruistic direction is to have an intention of rendering a service an outsider. Secondly, begin to utter a few words in preparation for rendering the service. Thirdly, act accordingly. These three steps would pave the way for the heaven which could be experienced in this very life. 
If you have not experienced this immense happiness which could be derived from altruistic practices to date, you better “get cracking” now. You will realise the intensity of altruistic happiness associated with this new approach in your life. You will be able to distinguish between the happiness involved in “letting”, “giving” and the pain involved in “grasping” of things. 
So, utilize your wealth, intellect, compassion for the benefit and welfare of others. Once you “let go” and “give” something for the welfare and solace of others, it should be a generous act accomplished expecting nothing in return. If you have regrets following your “giving” such as, “They did not thank me even though I deserve it”; “They did not appreciate my kind gesture”; “My name did not appear in the newspaper despite my sizeable donation” etc., it is an indication that you have “given” with conceit, egoism in mind. In other words, you have given expecting some sort of reward in return. Therefore, this looks more like an act of receiving rather than an act of giving. 
When you render a service, give something for the welfare and solace of others, you need to focus only on the act of giving; forget everything else. This is the secret for gaining true happiness. This mentality is indicative of “caga” state as taught in the Buddhist teachings, “ cago patinissaggo mutti analayo”. So act according to this teaching and be an eligible beneficiary for ceaseless happiness.



(One who analyses phenomena)             
  Vidassa, Could you tell a short-cut to the Heaven?
  Yes, follow these three steps
         First step; Have a thought to give solace to someone
         Second step; Utter words to give solace to this person
         Third step: Act to give solace to this person.
Follow these three steps and see for yourself the happiness they offer you!!!

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